
Pippa Porter Rex

Religions DepartmentDean for Residential and Community Life
Though Pippa was initially taken by George School’s results (its graduates), today she is impressed by its works in progress.

Why did you choose to teach at George School?

In my previous life, I was an admission officer at the University of Pennsylvania. I would read the teacher and counselor recommendations of George School students who applied to UPenn, and they described such great students. That along with essays that were written by the students themselves, who did remarkable things.

Describe your style.

As a dean, I am open, honest, and direct. ALWAYS!

What would you tell prospective families about George School?

If you want your child to see what they and the world can really be like, and if you want your child to learn how to make a difference, then George School is the place to be.

More about Pippa:

Dean for Residential and Community Life, Pippa received her BA from the University of California, Davis. She enjoys books, films, and television in addition to watching George School students grow on a yearly, monthly, and even daily basis.