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I am honored and excited to be named the next Head of George School. I appreciate the authentic conversations I have had with community members and look forward to continuing those conversations as I learn more about the history and traditions that make George School a very special community.Justin Brandon, Head of School
Justin Brandon, Head of George School

Justin Brandon
Head of School

28 Questions with Justin Brandon

Senior Caroline Rawlings took some time to get to know Justin Brandon during a recent visit to Sunnybanke.

George School Leadership Team

Scott Spence

Scott Spence

Associate Head of School
Mb Duckett Ireland

Mb Duckett Ireland

Asst Head of School for Student & Community Life
Michael Toohey

Michael Toohey

Chief Financial Officer
Beth Ann Burkmar

Beth Ann Burkmar

Director of College Counseling
Danette Crockett

Danette Crockett

Director of Human Resources
Robert Kleimenhagen

Robert Kleimenhagen

Director of Physical Plant
Kimberly Major

Kimberly Major

Director of Admission
Tricia O'Neill

Tricia O'Neill

Director of Marketing and Communications
Kurt Ruch

Kurt Ruch

Senior Director of Athletics and Recreation
Rachel Williams

Rachel Williams

Director of DEI
Jaime Zamparelli Abramov

Jaime Zamparelli Abramov

Director of Development

George School Board

Linda Espenshade Heinemann (Clerk)
Brookline, MA 

Emily Blanck
Glassboro, NJ 

Marguerite Chandler
Newtown, PA 

Betsy Cotton
Stockton, NJ 

Christian Donovan ’95
Baltimore, MD 

Kevin Edwards ’97
London, UK 

Katherine Hahn Falk
Newtown, PA 

Ashley Garrett ’76
New York, NY 

John Gibb
Ambler, PA 

Ed Huff
Fresno, CA 

Kenny King ’97
Rumson, NJ 

Lee Price ’61
Palo Alto, CA 

Janet Roy
Douglassville, PA 

Betty Lou Leedom Thompson ’56
Ardmore, PA 

Peter Vari
Richboro, PA 

Brian Wise ’93
Aldie, VA 

Toni Yonce
Newtown, PA 


Founded in 1893, George School's collective culture, traditions, and values reflect our founding principles, amongst them a strong commitment to Quaker ideals such as peace, equality, community, and integrity.

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