Mathematics courses at George School stimulate the imagination while developing and polishing skills.
They prepare many students for the study of higher-level mathematics in college while acquainting all students with a broad array of mathematical methods and computing technology.
Our goal is to help students develop the ability to think mathematically—to analyze, to synthesize, and to hypothesize—making use of mathematics both as a language and as a methodology.
The department offers courses ranging from basic algebra to beyond calculus. In order to provide appropriately challenging and supportive classes, students are grouped according to mathematical facility and interest.
Course recommendations and decisions about placement are based primarily on a student’s previous coursework, recent performance, and future plans.
Congratulations to the Math Team, who won the Philadelphia Independent School Math Olympiad for the fourth straight year, and Mc Gu ’24 for winning the individual championship!
We want to encourage students to stay the course; our job is to put wind in their sails and help them understand that it will be okay even if it's hard—the difficulty is where some of the best learning happens. We want every student to reach a point where they're challenged, and that's a different point for each student. Hamilton Davis
Math Department Head