Meredith Baldi ’01 is building upon the strong legacy of service learning at George School, integrating service with coursework as a core component of George School's Academic Program. She experienced the power of service learning at George School through the lens as a student before leading her first service trip as a faculty member.
Engaged Citizenship
Service and experiential learning has been woven into the George School curriculum for over 75 years.
Students travel around the corner and around the globe to experience cultures, study societal issues, and think about how they can best use their unique strengths in service to their community.
In each course, students spend time engaged in intensive academic learning to understand the history and context of particular cultures, societies and issues they face. Following this academic preparation, they begin experiential learning and work. Whether traveling and volunteering abroad, taking regular local field trips to work with members of our own community, or designing and implementing independent projects related to course content, students learn through experience and inquiry.
2024-2025 Trips
Bonaire (South America)
Brazil (South America)
Greece (Europe)
Turkey & Italy (Europe)
Philadelphia (North America)
Botswana (Africa)
France (Europe)
Poland (Europe)
Learn more details about the 2024-2025 trips!
Sample Schedule (5-Week Term)
Weeks 1 & 2
In-classroom learning provides academic context for what’s ahead.
Weeks 3 & 4
Two weeks of a local, domestic, or global immersive experience.
Week 5
Reflect on the experience as a group and with the community.
Meet Meredith
Service learning should be an educational experience–it is much more than community service. It’s about diving deep into understanding structural issues in our world, thinking about how you might improve those issues, and understanding what the limits are. This approach allows students to learn more about who they are and what they can contribute. Meredith Baldi '01
Service-Learning Coordinator
George School remains committed to experiential learning and service, with over 100 students participating in courses that involve elements of interdisciplinary coursework, service, and travel in the past year. These opportunities are structured in ways that demand personal reflection and investment from students, a willingness to be uncomfortable, the ability to be open and aware, and the self-knowledge to recognize individual strengths and how they may be used to impact the world around them in significant ways.
"The most important part of our travel program stems from a legacy of wanting our students not just to learn abstractly, but directly though experience,” shared Service Learning Coordinator Meredith Baldi. “Understanding our world directly, not just through a textbook, increases our level of care and commitment to the people and places around us. The relationships we form are long-lasting, and understanding global issues from a lived and seen place of understanding helps cultivate a desire for our students and alumni to promote peace and justice throughout their lives."