
IB Theater: Focus on Acting & Directing

In this two-year course of study, students work both individually and in collaboration to experience the creative process as a way of learning to transform ideas into action through intellectual curiosity and creative thinking. The curriculum is designed to engage students in the value and importance of researching, creating, preparing and presenting, and critically reflecting as means of learning and communicating. As participants in the IB Theater curriculum, students gain a richer understanding of themselves, their personal cultural perspectives, and cultural ideas and practices in the global community.

Both the SL and HL Theater curricula require 6 mods over two years. In addition, all IB Arts students attend the IB Arts Block, which meets for 45 minutes weekly throughout the academic year. In 11th grade, students take all three mods of Theater Arts: Advanced Acting & Directing (ARP410D), as well as a mod specific to 11th grade IB Theater students. (If necessary, the Scene Study mod of ARP410D may be postponed until 12th grade.) In 12th grade, students take Scene Study for the Director (ARP410D)–unless they prefer to take the Scene Study mod of ARP410D at an advanced level–and a mod specific to 12th grade IB Theater students.

Students who have not taken an acting course at George School should consult with the instructor about additional preparatory work.

Min-Max Credit Hours: 6.0-6.0