
Latin 1

This course introduces students to Latin, the language not only of ancient Rome, but also the European Middle Ages and the fields of early modern math, science, and philosophy. We will use Suburani, a story-based introductory Latin textbook that shows the diversity of the Roman empire and addresses issues important to students. Students will learn the essentials of grammar and vocabulary through reading and writing Latin. They will also increase their English vocabulary and learn about the history and culture of Rome. Course objectives include learning to communicate in Latin through reading and writing; gaining a basic knowledge of the daily life of the ancient Romans, of some famous Roman individuals, and of historical and geographical facts; recognizing Latin words and derivatives in modern English; and understanding basic patterns of English as they relate to the structure of Latin. The course grade will be determined by regular progress checks and proficiency assessments, including open-book assessments.

Min-Max Credit Hours: 3.0-3.0