
Spiritual Practices for Well Being

Students in Spiritual Practices learn how to cultivate a richer inner awareness and a refined clarity of expression through the use of time-honored and empirically-supported contemplative and reflective exercises and activities. With the aim of developing greater attentional abilities, emotional intelligence, ethical decision-making skills, and self-awareness, this course builds on George School’s own Holistic Health curriculum, Quaker Faith & Practice, Roger Walsh’s Essential Spirituality: The 7 Central Practices to Awaken Heart, Jack Kornfield’s A Path With Heart, and programs developed by the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society, Contemplative Studies at Brown University, and the Learning to BREATHE curriculum, as well as various other religious, secular, and scholarly sources. Spiritual Practices emphasizes an experiential and embodied approach to social-emotional, ethical, and contemplative learning that is consistent with George School’s mission and the values of Friends education. This course offers students an opportunity to slow down and reflect on what really matters in their education and in their life, and to develop personal practices and habits that support that approach.

(This course will not be offered in 2024-25.)

Min-Max Credit Hours: 1.0-1.0