
Welcome to the GS Daily, your source for announcements, schedules, menus, athletics, and campus happenings.

Email us if you have an item you would like us to consider, a photo you would like to share, or feedback to provide.

Happy last day of school! Have a GREAT Summer! Party popperHigh brightnessSoft ice creamWater wave

Important Information


HAPPY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! HAVE A GREAT SUMMER! Party popperHigh brightnessSoft ice creamWater wave

Friday, May 31
8:15-9:00 a.m. – Arr 3 Shortened (45 min)
9:10-9:55 a.m. – Arr 4 Shortened (45 min)
9:55-10:15 a.m. – Morning WIN
10:15-11:00 a.m. – Arr 1 Shortened (45 min)
11:10-11:55 a.m. – Arr 2 Shortened (45 min)

Calendar Information:

Academic Calendar
Arts Calendar
Athletics Schedule
Religious and Cultural Observances
School Calendar