
Departmental Open House and Showcase Schedules


8:00─8:20 Painting and Drawing  Jō Adachi (Retford, 203)
Music Program Dave Nolan (Walton Basement, Ensemble Room)
8:30─8:50 Audio Recording Dave Nolan (Walton Basement, Audio Recording Room)
Advanced and AP Painting and Drawing Jō Adachi (Retford, 203)
9:00─9:20 IB Theater Mo West, Scott Crandall, Kevin Davis (Walton Green Room)
IB Music Dave Nolan (Walton Basement, Ensemble Room)
IB Dance  Gracie Coscia-Collins (Walton Basement, Dance Studio)
IB Film Prescott Seraydarian (Retford, 002)
IB Visual Arts  Jō Adachi, Amedeo Salamoni, Danielle Picard-Sheehan, Susan Ross (Hallowell Lobby)
9:30─9:50 Photography Danielle Picard-Sheehan (Hallowell, Photo Lab)
Graphic Design Susan Ross (Retford, 004)
Dance Gracie Coscia-Collins (Walton Basement, Dance Studio)
Theater Performance Classes Mo West, Scott Crandall (Walton Auditorium)
Ceramics and Sculpture Amedeo Salamoni (Hallowell, Ceramics Studio)
Acting Program Kevin Davis (Walton, Green Room)
Woodworking and Design Carter Sio (Hallowell, Woodshop)
Music Program Dave Nolan (Walton Basement, Ensemble Room)
10:00─10:20 Photography Danielle Picard-Sheehan (Hallowell, Photo Lab)
Graphic Design Susan Ross (Retford, 004)
Film Production Prescott Seraydarian (Retford, 002)
Ceramics and Sculpture Amedeo Salamoni (Hallowell, Ceramics)
Woodworking and Design Carter Sio (Hallowell, Woodshop)
Dance Gracie Coscia-Collins (Walton Basement, Dance Studio)
Theater Design and Production Scott Crandall (Walton, Auditorium)
10:30─10:50 Art History Danielle Picard-Sheehan (Hallowell, Photo Lab)
Film Production Prescott Seraydarian (Retford, 002)


*All sessions will take place in Bancroft, Floor 2

8:30─8:50 Chinese (Beginning to Advanced) Wenjing Huang
9:30─9:50 Latin (Beginning to Advanced) Sharada Shreve-Price
Spanish (Beginning to Advanced) Julian Angulo, Ariadne Costa
10:00─10:20 AP Spanish and Spanish Service Trips Rachel Hudson
George School Language Pathways Sharada Shreve-Price
10:30─10:50 French (Beginning through Advanced) Marie-Laure Epaminondas


*All sessions will take place in the Spruance-Alden Science Center. Specific room numbers are listed with each class.

8:00─8:20 9th Grade Chemistry Walter Stephenson (101)
8:30─8:50 Biology Pascal Lanciano, Bob Fest, Pacho Gutierrez, Mark Ryu (202)
Robotic/STEAM Brian Patton, Chris Odom (105)
9:00─9:20 Physics Pat Renshall, Mark Ryu (104)
Biotechnology Brian Patton, Polly Lodge (201)
Sustainable Systems Pacho Gutierrez (202)
AP Chemistry Alyssa McGarvey (203)
9:30─9:50 Physics Alyssa McGarvey, Pat Renshall, Mark Ryu (104)
AP Biology Pascal Lanciano (202)
Field Studies Bob Fest (005)
10:00─10:20 IB HL Biology Pascal Lanciano (201)
Environmental Sciences Bob Fest (105)
Cognitive Neurology Pacho Gutierrez (202)
10:30─10:50 9th Grade Chemistry Polly Lodge, Walter Stephenson (101)
Biology Pascal Lanciano, Bob Fest, Mark Ryu, Pacho Gutierrez (202)
Intro Physics Comp Brian Patton, Chris Odom (105)


*All sessions will take place in Retford. Specific room numbers are listed with each class.

8:00─8:20 Drop in with department head and other math teachers (103)
8:30─8:50 Functions and Trigonometry, Precalculus (101 and 102)
Linear Algebra, Number Theory, Discrete Math (103)
9:00─9:20 All IB Math Classes (205 and 201)
AP Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Math Art (203)
9:30─9:50 All Statistics Classes: Accelerated, AP, Data Science (005)
All Calculus: Standard, AP (104 and 105)
10:00─10:20 Math3, Math 4 (101 and 102)
10:30─10:50 Math 1, Math 2 (105)
Algebraic and Geometric Analysis and Advanced Analysis (205)


*All sessions will take place on the Second Floor of the Mollie Dodd Anderson Library.

9:00─9:20 Essentials of a Friends Community (EFC) Tom Hoopes
9:30─9:50 Meaning of Myth Martha Holland
10:00─10:20 Essentials of a Friends Community (EFC) Tom Hoopes
10:30─10:50 Meaning of Myth Martha Holland


*All sessions will take place in Bancroft. Specific room numbers are listed with each class.

8:30─8:50 9th Grade English Zahra Patterson (4)
9:30─9:50 10th Grade English Shantel Hubert (101)
AP Language and Composition Carly Wassel, Joelle Sanphy (108)
10:00─10:20 11th Grade English Ariadne Costa (103)
IB Literature Melaina Young (109)
10:30─10:50 Poetry Adam Wassel (Basement 9)


8:00─8:20 Economics Sara Shreve-Price (McFeely. 101)
8:30─8:50 Media Literacy Meredith Baldi (Mollie Dodd Anderson Library, 211)
9:00─9:20 Human Geography Peter Paik (McFeely, 105)
US History and Civics Ben Croucher (McFeely, Basement─01)
9:30─9:50 Human Geography Peter Paik (McFeely. 105)
10:00─10:20 Human Geography Peter Paik (McFeely. 105)
Psychology Joanna Sima (McFeely. 103)
AP US History Brendan Mahon (McFeely. 106)
10:30─10:50 AP US History Dar Sheth (McFeely. 106)

Open Houses

Religions Open House
Mollie Dodd Anderson Library, 201
8:00─8:45 Tom Hoopes
8:00─9:00 Kathleen O’Neal
8:30─9:15 Martha Holland
8:45─9:45 Robert Mooney
8:45─9:45 Susan Ross
9:00─10:00 Peter Holland
9:30–10:30 Keith Wilford
10:00–10:30 Kathleen O’Neal
10:30–11:00 Kathleen O’Neal and Tom Hoopes
English Open House

Bancroft, 102

8:00─8:30 Joelle Sanphy
8:30─9:30 Adam Wassel
9:00─9:30 Kim McGlynn
9:30─10:00 Edna Valdepeñas
10:00─10:30 Ariadne Costa and Zahra Patterson
10:30─11:00 Melaina Young
Languages Open House 

Bancroft, Second Floor

8:30─9:30 Latin Open House with Sharada Shreve-Price
8:00─9:00 French Open House with Stephanie Perrais
8:00─9:00 Spanish Open House with Cheri Mellor
9:00─10:00 Spanish Open House with Arianna Cahue
10:00─11:00 Chinese Open House with Wenjin Huang