
George School Robotics Excels at Fire Fighting Competition

Robotics students Charlie Castle ’20, Robin Deeboonchai ’19, Ian Liu ’21, Kairo Morton ’20, and Andrew Wu ’20 attended the Fire Fighting Competition April 13 and 14, 2019 in Hartford, Connecticut. Sam Coscia ’20 could not make the trip, but worked on the robots the team entered.

Students worked hard to prepare for the competition, and their efforts paid off. George School finished the competition having the number one robot entered from North America, ranked number four of all high school robots worldwide, and ranked in the top ten of all robots entered in the competition, including college and professional teams.

“We had been working on the robot in our free time since before spring break,” said Kairo. “The week before the competition I was coding every day during study hall in the robotics lab.”

“I am so proud of these kids,” said Chris Odom, robotics teacher. Chris, a former NASA rocket scientist, started the George School robotics program seventeen years ago. The course, which is based on his textbooks, is a self-driven, project-based course that encourages students to follow their interests and think creatively about technology.

The George School Robotics program will host the Fourth Annual George School Robot Invitational on Saturday, May 18, 2019. The Invitational is a festival of competitions and events with autonomous robots that encourages students to have fun while learning principles of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math (STEAM), and Computer Science. Students design, construct, and program the robots for as many as four events, which are split into two general competitions.


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