
Finding Joy in Dance, Basketball, Clubs, and Representing George School

I love dancing at George School because it offers the opportunity for those who enjoy dance to take their skills to new heights. We perform in front of friends and family during events such as our Winter Assembly and Dance Eclectic. During Dance Eclectic, students can create their own choreography for themselves and others to learn and then present it to the school. While I’ve not been able to participate in this event because of the pandemic, I am really excited about future performances.

The basketball team at GS is awesome and really diverse! Plus, there’s always a spot for someone to play since we have three levels: developmental, junior varsity, and varsity. Although I am not the best basketball player, I have never felt uncomfortable on the junior varsity team and my teammates and coach are always really supportive. While I learn a lot from the practices and from game experiences, I also have a lot of fun and am looking forward to hopefully playing varsity this year.

UMOJA Club is primarily the black student union at George School however, our floor is open to all people of color and even those who aren’t of color to discuss real-world issues, specific events, and the ways they affect us. Some activities we engage in are casual debates, dances, talent shows, and fundraisers. Although this year has had a slow start for our club because of the difficulties of the pandemic, the rest of the leaders and I have been learning how to better connect with our members and keep them engaged. Hopefully, we can make the most of this next semester and bring our community closer together before the school year ends.

As a student ambassador, I represent George School and help prospective students and families see how great of a school it is! Ambassadors take students and parents around our lovely campus and give an overview of what student life is like. Honestly, I miss touring people in person, but I’ve still had the opportunity to meet plenty of students who are interested in George School, which is my favorite part of being an ambassador. I cannot wait to be back on campus to work with prospective students and families next year with hopes that they’ll say yes to GS, just as I did!

Elijah is a boarding student from East Orange New Jersey, a leader of UMOJA, a dancer, a basketball player, and a student ambassador.

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