
The Virtual Classroom: AP Human Geography

For AP Human Geography classes with teacher Kevin Fox, this term is all about deepening student understanding of key terms and concepts and applying newly acquired student knowledge. The end goal is a more nuanced perspective on the world’s economic, social, political and environmental patterns and processes.

Kevin’s classes have three main objectives this spring: to bring together and make deep connections between the seven units of the course; to prepare students for their first AP Exam; and, lastly, to further develop the student “explorer mindset” through their end-of-year project-based learning expedition.

A busy term, for sure, but due to the continuity of many of their yearlong routines and a relatively seamless transition from in class to online, students are poised to demonstrate their depth and breadth of knowledge in this demanding course.

One routine that continues to be a class favorite is Quizlet Live, an online vocabulary development platform that helps students master the course’s key terms. Students are able to compete with each other by matching terms and definitions in a game format—in the classroom or from home. Students from all four of Kevin’s classes met online this week to compete in the Vocab Jamboree (see photo), a precursor to their year comprehensive Vocab Festival where students demonstrate mastery of their newly acquired vocabulary.

“Much of what we do in class is centered on the building of a lexicon—a way to communicate our knowledge of the economic, social, political and environmental processes at play in the world,” said Kevin. “Language shapes the way we think about and see these processes. A broader vocabulary gives us the ability to discuss and debate local and global themes in more nuanced ways. Students gain proficiency in their use of academic language—in this case, the key terms and concepts of human geography—in order to prepare them for future study in the social sciences and for future conversations at the dinner table. They are learning the dialect of a global citizen”

College Board is holding its annual AP Human Geography Exam on May 12 and students have an opportunity—from home—to apply their understanding of the terms and concepts of human geography. Students also get the chance to receive college credit for all their hard work this year.


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