
Coastal Ecology (in Belize)

This course is cross-listed as MUL990C (Extradisciplinary). See MUL990C (Extradisciplinary) in the Extradisciplinary section of the catalog for description.    

Independent Science Research

This non-traditional course provides the student who enrolls the opportunity to further develop a keen interest in science through cooperation with a mentor and the coordinating George School teacher. Students who enroll must identify and…

Human Anatomy and Physiology

This course takes a holistic and applied approach to introducing students to the structure and function of the systems in the human body. The course relies heavily on laboratory activities, as well as discussions that…

Cognitive Neurology

This course is designed to study how we, as humans, acquire skills and knowledge thanks to brain plasticity and synaptic pruning. It looks at our neural networks from an evolutionary perspective. On a more fundamental…

Science & Literature

This course is cross-listed as MUL430L (Extradisciplinary). See MUL430L (Extradisciplinary) in the Extradisciplinary section of the catalog for description. Min-Max Credit Hours: 1.0-1.0
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